Kudrat revolves around a courageous youth by the name of Vijay Varma (Akshaye Khanna) who in his college is smitten by a fellow student named Madhu (Urmilla Matondkar). Vijay Varma's grand father Sadanand Sharma (Kader Khan) is a doctor and adviser in matters of the heart and his guiding force in the art of wooing the woman, Vijay's many and continuous romantic advances towards Madhu on the other hand, totally fed up with his persistent teasing and unable to do anything decides to complain to her father Sukhram (Paresh Rawal), to take necessary steps against Vijay.
An angered Sukhram steps out to confront Vijay to teach him a lesson, but surprisingly on meeting him, Sukhiram has a change of heart and on his return home informs Madhu that she has misunderstood Vijay and she would not find a better caring and loving man than him. Madhu, slightly mellow now after her father's opinion and unsure about her own judgement slowly but steadily starts following in love with Vijay.
Both the families are overjoyed at this development and decide to bind the young couple in the bonds of matrimony. Accordingly the stage is set for the engagement function. Just when everything was going well with the rituals, the fun and frolic, all hell breaks loose when Sukhiram, the great admirer of Vijay, suddenly turns force. He cancels the engagement between the two and successfully insults the humiliates Vijay,s family and guests and shows them the door of his house.
Why did this bolt of lightening suddenly strikes? What caused this sudden change in Sukhiram's mind?