Tiger 3 did very well on its third as it collected around 42.50 crore nett which edged past the day one number due to much better business in single screens and smaller centres which were affected by Laxmi Puja on day one. Even the bigger multiplexes of PVR Inox managed numbers which were very close to the first day. .
The bigger gains from day one were in circuits like East Punjab, Rajasthan and CI whcih were 50% or more higher than day one. Even Delhi / UP will be a solid 30-40% up from day one as single screen collections remain at the same level of Monday which was the national holiday. This is also the case in Gujarat and Central and even in some centres of Maharashtra. There are drops in South and East from day one as they were very strong on day one.
The film is doing very well in Mysore with almost 10 crore nett up in 3 days and its not really a strong period here and usually Salman Khan are not that huge here either. it may well be his biggest grosser in this circuit in the first eight days. Nizam / Andhra which is stronger for Salman Khan is not doing as well after strong collections on the first day.
The three day total of the film is around 141.75 crore nett which is a huge total especially with Diwali not really falling right but the test of the film starts now as although it is Bhai dooj on Wednesday which is a good day for collections in many circuits this will be hit by the big cricket match. Depending on the hit it then becomes about recovering ground over the enxt few days. The collections of Tiger 3 till date are as follows.
Sunday - 42,25,00,000 apprx
Monday - 57,00,00,000 apprx
Tuesday - 42,50,00,000 apprx
TOTAL - 1,41,75,00,000 apprx
1. | Bahubali 2 - The Conclusion | 69,63,00,000 | |
2. | Gadar 2 - The Katha Continues | 62,96,00,000 | |
3. | Jawan | 50,11,00,000 |