NO ONE COMING For Thank You For Coming
Sunday 08 October 2023 12.30 IST
Box Office India Trade Network
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Thank You For Coming should have been called NO ONE COMING as that is what has happened at the box office, The film has shown growth of just 45-50% and this is for a film targeting the few premium multiplexes which show huge growth on Saturday. The film has basically gone the same way as The Vaccine War last week though its a far worse product and its just this film had a promotional campaign for awareness while The Vaccine War did nothing much so collections will be in the same range.



The difference between The Vaccine War and Thank You For Coming is that the makers of the former accepted the film is a rejected and a disaster. Here with Thank You For Coming there is an attempt to make the film a success through PR and the media. Its probably one of the very rare times that a total disaster and outright rejected film is trying to be made into a success. If its an average or something and then you atempt to make it a hit then its understandable somewhat but this attempt can only be laughed. Also the content is laughable and the audience has totally given the deserved results..



You cant fool the industry no matter how many these reporter types and media outlets are paid and its unlikley you can fool the public today though the handful of people who actually liked the crapfest may take the fake agenda of making it a success on face value. At the end of the day a DISASTER is a DISASTER and CRAPFEST is an CRAPFEST and no one can change that especially if you bring it to the box office to decide your fate. OTT maybe you can get away but that is a story for another day. Disaster is not an issue actually as so many movies are disasters but the success agenda for a sh!t film is. The two day collections of Thank You For Coming are as follows.



Friday - 75,00,000


Saturday - 1,10,00,000


TOTAL - 1,85,00,000



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