Kalki 2898 AD Scroes A Very Good First Day
Friday 28 June 2024 11.30 IST
Box Office India Trade Network
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Kalki 2898 AD has collected very well on day one with 21 crore nett and is the highest opening day of the year beating Fighter. The collections across all circuits are well ahead of Fighter though there is a shortfall from the South as the original Telugu film dominates there. A CP Berar and Bihar are double of Fighter  with the latter being more than double and even a circuit like East Punjab just edges past Fighter.



The best collections for the film have come in UP and Bihar with the latter being outstanding. But this is a double edged sword as all the mass circuits look very strong but that is mainly as comparing to the films released this year. If we compare the numbers to RRR (Hindi) then the numbers in mass circuits is lower while it is the bigger centres doing better.



The film is partly a futuristic film and so on this the collections in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan etc look even better as futuristic is a bit of  no no in these pockets. Its likely this audience is coming in for the mythological side of the film. The film could have collected better in Mumbai circuit but maybe the match affected more here and also possibly the rains in Mumbai / Thane area.



The futuristic side of the film could even be having and effect in places like Nizam / Andhra and Karnataka also as the bigger centres see huge collections but others are not as huge. The results in smaller areas in South means the film will not do 100 crore nett in India and the final number may come in around 90 crore nett which is still a huge number and probably fourth best ever.



Overall its a solid start for the fillm as far as the Hindi version goes especially with a Thursday release with the match playing spoilsport a little. Friday is likely to see a drop in mass pockets and it will be about how the bigger centres push in the evening and the Saturday there is teh cricket match and it will be about where the Sunday number goes which can really jump due to the hit that Saturday collections will take because of match.



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